Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Three Mistakes of My Life-Chetan Bhagath

Bollywoodization of novel
Historiographic metafiction
Nation and Identity
Cricket Nationalism
Politics and Religion
Inspirational Novel
Comparison of Nationness
Conflicts between Emotion and Logic

These are some of the points I have noted in relation to the novel The three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat. Those who have viewed the novel as silly might feel my arguments as childish. Bollywoodization of Novel means the particular style adopted by the novelist in the treatment of Character settings and Plot construction which will reminds the reader about the Bollywood films, may be a second rated movie. In other words the term refers to the adaptability of the novel to a film; not only this particular novel but almost all the novels of Bhagat.
The term Historiographic Metafiction, coined by Linda Hutcheon refers to the self reflexivity of the novel and also the reconceptualization of History. This term usually applied to the novels of Salman Rushdie and Amitav Ghosh, and not to the novelists like Bhagat. The reason is Rushdie and Ghosh’ treatment is somewhat serious and grand where as Bhagat is so ‘silly’. The idea of “ historicity in fiction and fictionality of history” worked well in the novel. Contrary to the writings of Rushdie we won’t feel the artificial link between ‘individual memory’ and ‘collective history’. Bhagat wrote about the earth quake in Bhuj, terrorist attack of America, and Gujarat riots from the point of Govind and showed how individual memories can intervene in the grand narration of history.
The idea of nation used by Bhagat is of great significance in the contemporary social scenario. The statement of Ali, he will be an Indian even if he have a hundred births, is significant in many respects. At one level it is significant in a level which helps us to understand how the nationness being constructed rather than there normally. Through films and various ways like the cricket is used to build national sentiments. In Ali’s case it is important because he is a Muslim, therefore the ‘other’. In the opposite side we can see Parekhji and others tried to assert the Hindu identity of the nation. As Benedict Anderson noted the nation is an imagined community. Nobody really cares about nation except during the time of cricket matches. At one level Eric Habsbawns idea of “invented traditions” might helps us to understand the situation further. Through Rama and Ayodhya the Karsevaks tried to invent a tradition which is homogenous. The attitude of the Australians and how they treated Indians and the cultural difference between us and Aussies is also important. They are not blinded by nationalism, instead tried to understand the talent in others. The trained vs. artificial comes there too.
An important motive in the novel is the conflict between emotion and logic. In the very beginning itself the central character makes it very clear that he don’t like emotional dramas; even the hugs of his mother. Later he criticise his friends for bringing sympathy in business. In his conversation the Aussies player criticise the Indians for being too much emotional. The reactions of Mamaji and Parekhji also project this as a weakness of Indians. And Mamaji tried to overcome his weakness after the death of his son, by not crying but at the same time became too much emotional which is not grief but anger. The characterization of Vidya also mentions this aspect. Vidya is portrayed as a brave character instead of the’ weak Indian woman’. She never cried when she faced problems in contrast to Govind who is very weak at that time.
The novel is Inspirational in the sense that modern novels tried to educate the people, inspires them and tried to be with them. The title itself, i.e The Three Mistakes of My Life makes it very clear that it is about the mistakes of a person’s journey toward success; the mistakes taught him new lessons and he will move forward by learning from those mistakes.

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